Gay sex postions dictary

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Like Tyler, the gays I spoke to believe power bottoms exude “top energy.” Some popular characteristics are that they tend to be bossy, vocal, and “enthusiastic” about riding dick. This was verified by Tyler ( on Twitter), 30, who says, “What makes me a power bottom is that when I’m riding a guy, I grab him by the throat, spit in his face, and say ‘That’s my dick, little bitch.’” “Tops fuck bottoms, but power bottoms fuck tops,” Dan, 33, tells NewNowNext. “He navigates the thrusting and dictates how hard the fucking will be.” “A power bottom is someone who knows what he wants and takes control of the penetration,” he tells NewNowNext. Kort estimates that the term originated sometime in the ‘90s.

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To start, let’s check the internet’s most trusted resource for slang: Urban Dictionary, which defines a power bottom as “similar to a bottom, but a specific variety.” The website continues, “A power bottom tends to be in charge and feels most powerful when bottoming the one who bottoms is the one on the ‘throne’ so to speak, ‘taking’ the top.”

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